Friday, March 21, 2014

Who is Hosting this Blog?

This blog is run by Marie Fang. She is a friend of the Phifer-Houseman's and attends their small group at the River Church Community. She will help monitor the amount of giving and post updates to this blog regularly.

What's this Blog?

The Phifer-Houseman family has experienced significant financial strain throughout the past year. They could use our help to recover financially and get back on their feet. Our plan is to use our common property to build a financial foundation underneath them.

"And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them. And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all. For there was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales and lay them at the apostles’ feet, and they would be distributed to each as any had need."

-Acts 4:32-35

What a beautiful testimony to the strength of God's people when we unite! Why can't we do the same as the Acts 4 church by sharing our finances with our friends?

The Breakdown

The Phifer-Houseman family has had to put an array of costs on their credit cards in order to meet their needs, including various medical, legal, college, car, and rent fees they didn't have sufficient income to cover. Their credit card debt is currently at zero interest. A portion of their debt will begin accruing interest in June, while the remainder will accrue interest beginning in August. 

The Phifer-Housemans are also in the process of moving (not by choice). This move involves an array of additional costs and also puts them in a position that makes it difficult for them to find additional sources of income at this time. They can anticipate that their debt will significantly deepen during the next several months without financial assistance.

The Bottom Line

The Phifer-Houseman's credit card debt amounts to $12,000. They've also estimated a need for an additional $8,000 during the next several months to help defray moving costs and rent. Our goal is to raise $20,000 for the Phifer-Houseman family by the end of JUNE to cover both their credit card debt and their additional needs. However, if there is opportunity to raise even more than this, that would be great!

How to Give

In addition to paying via check or cash directly to Mark or Gayll, you can give through Dwolla. Dwolla is much preferred over PayPal because Dwolla charges a flat fee of 25 cents per transaction, while PayPal charges 2.9% of every transaction PLUS 30 cents. If we raise $20k, that's $600 down the drain with PayPal!! Dwolla also allows you to cover the 25 cent fee yourself if you wish. How to give on Dwolla:

Create an account at Dwolla
Send money to email account:

If you wish, you may also send money through PayPal instead.

If you have money available to give, please be prayerful of giving to the Phifer-Housemans generously in a way that's beyond your normal giving commitments. If it would be more of a sacrifice for you to give at this time, please consider praying about giving sacrificially from your tax refund, or redirecting some money you would usually be putting into investment accounts during the next few months.

This blog will be updated with giving updates on a regular basis. You can also enter your email in the left side bar to sign up for email updates.