Monday, June 23, 2014

Grand Sub-total

Ack!  Forgot to say-----our current grand total is $16, 275 raised (not counting what Marie and I still have to sell on eBay and craigslist).  Amazing!

Almost There . . .


Think of this blog post as a huge hug to all of you who have given and prayed (and prayed that people would give) to our P-H Dire Straits Fund.  Your love and generosity mean so much. 

Financially speaking, it's enabled us to pay off one 0% credit card before we were hit with interest (Thank You, Jesus!), make it through the chaos of moving and the navigating security deposits, repairs and extra set-up costs, help Yodit with her deposit for next year's Arrowsmith program and fund a sabbatical from the Lord.  Hallelujah. We have one last 0% loan to deal with before August, but so much less financial pressure than two months ago, that it finally feels like we can breathe.

Emotionally speaking, your care and generosity feels like being enveloped in an enormous group hug----a "cinnamon roll" if you will.  Usually I will not submit to these on the grounds that they are just too touchy-feely.  But, in this case, I can only say, "Thank you all, so very, very much". 

Back in January, when the full force of our move into one of the worst rental markets in the history of the South Bay hit us (amidst an already stressful year), it felt like the valley was literally spitting us out, as if to say, "You don't belong here. You have no place in this valley."  But then within weeks God brought so many people, like you----from our community and folks who were totally unknown to us----who extended themselves in care, concern and generosity of spirit, as if God was saying in return, "See, I have many people in this place."

Thank you for being the family of God and the voice of God to us in this turbulent time.  We are humbled and incredibly grateful,

Gayll and Mark