Thursday, January 8, 2015

With Gratitude, Time For Closure

Hello Friends of the Phifer-Houseman Family,

This message comes incredibly belated, yet it would be sad to not end properly with a closure post. When we first set out to raise funds, I thought we ought to present some sort of structure in order to have any chance at even making a dent in the Phifer-Housemans' financial need, like a gala, auction, or other special event to raise money.

At the suggestion of another friend, we decided to simply ask people to give. And seriously, you guys gave! Our final grand total of all the funds raised amounts to $21,695.30! What a powerful and generous impact you all have made as a community. Not only did the Phifer-Housemans experience this blessing, but I've been so blessed to observe the power of generosity in the context of community. I went into this endeavor with the faith of a mustard seed that not much would come of it, but clearly God still moved mountains =)

Thanks everyone! Please keep the Phifer-Housemans in prayer, and in friendship be mindful to continue to inquire of and pray for their needs as we all do the same for each other.

Happy New Year!

-Marie Fang