Wednesday, April 23, 2014



...In less than a month you all have already contributed $11,8745 to the Phifer-Houseman family. I'm so amazed! Thank you all for your generous contributions.

That still leaves us with just over $8,000 remaining before we reach our goal amount. We'd like to reach this goal by the end of June. If you are planning on giving to the Phifer-Housemans and are simply waiting to accumulate or redistribute funds as time allows, please contact the Phifer-Houseman's by May 15th to let them know the amount you plan to give (or ballpark amount) so they can plan accordingly. If you plan to give but are unsure of what amount you will give yet, your generosity is still welcomed!

So blessed to see community coming together in this way,
-Marie Fang


  1. I want to echo Marie's "amazing" assessment of all your love and generosity. I s'pose we shouldn't be amazed given that we are living in the presence of a risen Lord who inhabits His people, but still . . . we are amazed, and even more than that, humbled . . .So many people have rallied to pack boxes, shove furniture into moving vans, bring food and now write checks. It all feels like the love of God to me. In a time that has felt tiring, strenuous and marked by loss you guys have helped me believe, trust and press on. THANK YOU!!!!

  2. I too want to say "Wow! Thank You all!" Despite all our best efforts to stay connected to community, the last year has left us feeling isolated and strange/ill equipped for life in Silicon Valley (as if the P-H's ever could not be weird compared to normal life). Your generosity has begun to melt the barriers in my heart that have made me feel alone and like I don't belong in the Silicon Valley club with our income and family needs. So, thank you so much for your practical concern for our family. And, May God supply all we need so, that "always enriched in every way you can be generous on every occasion" whether in $ or practical service or faith or wisdom. In great love and gratitude, Mark P-H
